Monday, January 16, 2006

Been a while - I've been JUICED!

I've been really juiced creatively for the past few weeks. Guess it's because Christmas is over and I finally have time to craft for myself again! At any rate, here are my latest creations.

Stained Glass mosaic lamp - this is the beginning of my den redo.

I'm planning to have the flooring replaced, repaint (gold w/ a purple accent wall), make some sort of scarf/valance for my red beaded curtains, make new throw pillows, and buy an area rug.

Here's the mini-mural I painted in the bathroom today. We have a medicine cabinet (see knob at the right) that used to be a window. The door was plain and I wanted something spectacular on it, so I copied Vincet Van Gogh's "Starry Night on the Rhone."